Frau am Regal im Supermarkt
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Disposal of food from retail shops with BSN BioService Nord GmbH


As a commercial food disposal service provider in northern Germany, we offer our retail customers a complete service package for the discreet disposal of unsellable food nearby.

Einkaufskorb mit Lebensmittel
Bunte Marmeladengläser
Obst, Gemüse und Co
Regale im Supermarkt

Reasons for the necessary disposal of food in the food retail industry


There are various reasons that make the disposal of food necessary in the food retail industry. One reason is the expiration of the minimum shelf life date (MHD). If the MHD for packaged food, as well as old frozen goods, drinks, milk and other refrigerated products, canned goods or oil, is exceeded, disposal is necessary. Another reason for the necessity of food disposal is damaged packaging as well as breakage of glass and plastic packaging. Spoiled goods such as fruit or meat are also a common reason for disposal. Sometimes there are also misorders or over-ordering by the retailer, especially for seasonal items. Also, possible production errors in the industry that are only noticed after delivery to the trade, as well as recall actions, lead to the necessary disposal of food.

  • Expired minimum shelf life date (MHD)
  • Broken and defective packaging
  • Misorders
  • production errors in the industry that were noticed later
  • Recall items
…wir (ent-)sorgen für morgen…!

Your contact persons with us

+49(0)4405-2380 000 |

You can reach us daily from Monday to Thursday from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm and Fridays from 8:00 am - 3:30 pm.

Disposing of packaged foods in cans, glass, plastic, and foil


The commercial foods that must be disposed of for the reasons mentioned above can be handled with their packaging. We offer all the services related to food disposal, including the provision of cleaned bins and other containers, logistics with our waste collection vehicles, unpacking, and processing in our biogas plants. Interested in our food waste disposal services for food retail? Want to know the costs associated with it? Contact our representatives today to get all the information you need about our routes and prices for waste disposal.

Bilderreihe mit verschiedenen Verpackungsmaterialien
Birnemuster in Grau
MeinRecyclingApp auf Smartphone

Order your waste container now at the touch of a button


My Recycling App - by BioService Nord

  • Everything at a glance
  • Order creation at the touch of a button
  • Detailed view


With our Recycling App, you can now simplify the collection of your commercial bio-bins even further and reach us 24 hours a day. Thanks to the app, you can order the collection with just one click and get a detailed view of the status of your order. The easy and convenient ordering will save you time and ensure reliable collection of your waste. In addition, the Recycling App also provides an overview of your previous orders and a way to contact our customer service. Order your waste container with just one click and benefit from the easy and convenient use of our Recycling App.

Food Waste Recycling Process


Our customers are typical food retailers and discounters who do not normally have access to regular organic waste containers provided by their city or county. Instead, the use of commercial bio-bins is mandatory for these businesses. We provide our customers in the food retail sector with these commercial bio-bins as well as a cleaning process. If you want to know what the cost of food waste disposal is or the price we charge for our services, you can easily find out from our contact persons at any time. Are you interested in how food waste is processed and recycled?

Tonnentaxi LKW illustration

Our food waste disposal process is as follows:


1. Collection of the food waste in the provided bins and containers

2. Transportation of the food waste to the disposal and biogas plants using our specialized waste collection vehicles

3. Unpacking of packaged food waste with the use of a special unpacking machine

4. Recycling of all packaging components (cans, glass, plastic, and film) through a subsequent recycling process

5. Shredding of non-packaged food waste

Strom icon illustration

6. Conversion of the food waste into biogas at the biogas plant

7. Processing of the biogas and injection into the natural gas network or production of electricity from the biogas and feed-in into the electricity grid

8. Usage of the excess heat generated during this process for wood drying, heating of residential and commercial buildings, etc.

9. Transport of the organic, low-energy residues from the biogas plant to be used as fertilizer in agriculture

10. Cleaning of the bins, containers, and packaging

11. Return of the cleaned bins into the waste collection cycle

Graues Birnemuster als Hintergrund
Erdnussdose offen

Disposal of Packaged Foods


How are packaged foods disposed of? Whether it's expired food, damaged products, incorrect orders, or food recalls, BSN Bioservice Nord GmbH can handle packaged foods well with our unpacking system. We can recover all common packaging materials, such as plastic, film, cans, and even glass! After unpacking, the packaging goes through a recycling process and is often reused as granulate to produce new packaging. The organic content that can be used is put through our biogas plant, after being shredded.

Our Containers - Bins, Boxes, and Containers


In most cases, the food waste from our LEH customers is collected in garbage bins with a capacity of either 240 or 120 liters (MGB bin). According to our regular tour plan, we pick up the food waste and deliver it to the nearest processing facilities. Of course, any retailer can order several bins to collect items that are near their expiration date, broken, or spoiled. For the disposal of oil, we use special containers, namely small fat containers. This is because the disposal of cooking oils in glass and plastic bottles cannot be done in normal biogas plants. Instead, the oil needs to be processed into biodiesel.

Box 500 Liter
Flaschen auf Palette
Grüne Tonne mit 120 Liter
Blaue OckoBox Tonne
Blaue Fettcontainer in 30 und 50 Liter
Waldfoto mit OckoBox

OckoBox for the retail sector?

Your customers can now easily dispose of their used cooking oil in one of our bins located in your store. The oil will be recycled in a climate-neutral way.

Tonnentaxi mit offener Laderampe

Our Waste Collection Service Across Germany


With our large fleet consisting of approximately 40 trucks, we pick up the food waste-filled bins from our food retail and discount customers. This is done through an ecological and economical tour plan, so that the food waste can be processed as close as possible. During these tours, the filled bins and containers are replaced with cleaned empty ones. Our strong transportation network covers the entire northern German region, including Hamburg, Bremen, Hannover, Oldenburg, etc. If our retail customers have increased demand due to holidays, inventories, or recalls, we are able to respond quickly with our flexible and strong network. The experienced truck drivers do not stop working during the holidays, and instead we try to schedule their tours ahead of time or make up for lost time as soon as possible.

Grafik organische Verwertung Kreislauf

The organic processing sites - where do we take the packaged food?


We have an extensive disposal network for packaged food from the retail sector. Our numerous own or contract biogas plants in Heinfelde and Börger recycle the delivered food as part of the treatment process. After unpacking, the organic materials are converted into biogas, which is then used according to the respective operation. The biogas is either refined and directly fed into the natural gas pipeline or used to generate electricity and fed into the power grid via CHP units. The waste heat from the power generation process is used for heating surrounding residential buildings, wood drying, etc. depending on the location. The resulting organic material is spread on contractual agricultural land as a fertilizer in accordance with the fertilization regulation.


Disposal Certificates


As a certified waste disposal company, we are authorized to transport and recycle the food waste from retail businesses. We have obtained all the necessary permits to comply with the Waste Management Regulations and relevant laws. These include an EU certificate for waste cooking oils, KAT 3 Approval, and the REDcert-EU sustainability certificate.
